Twelve year old Michael Hart is convicted of the murder of a babysitter, despite his claims that a "monster did it." Upon his release, the monster...
After a train wreck, four passengers from different walks of life are trapped together and share their recent nightmares. Masked killers, Bigfoot,...
Scary Tales: Last Stop
It's Halloween and time for some campfire stories, but these tales of monsters, ghosts and slashers come to life and the terror begins for a group...
Halloween Tales
Satan demands worship but now he demands a meat cleaver massacre. A town under the control of the devil and a mystery killer on the loose leads to...
Satanic Meat Cleaver Massacre
Phyliss McGee was a wicked woman when she was alive, but now that she's dead, she is far worse. Geno, the grandson of Phyliss, is reunited with his...
Family Secret