Indy and his girlfriend, Nancy Stratemeyer, whose father created the Nancy Drew mystery series, visit the laboratory of inventor Thomas Edison. The...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Spring Break Adventure
A shy mail clerk becomes embroiled in the investigation of the murder of a man involved with the beautiful neighbor he is obsessed with.
Blind Vision
The first part tells of the life and works of L. Frank Baum, along with his career as a writer and filmmaker, centering on the creation of Oz. This...
Oz: The American Fairyland
A troubled Southern man talks to his suicidal sister's psychiatrist about their family history and falls in love with her (and New York City) in the...
The Prince of Tides
Two children follow the events that lead Jesus from his joyous entry into Jerusalem to his betrayal, death, and ressurection. Jerem's dream has...
The Easter Promise