When a fledgling television show "Creature Expedition" finds itself on the brink of cancellation and desperate for a rating boost, the show's host...
American Bigfoot
Todd is the story of a man who has always felt like the "odd man out." From a young age, Todd is shunned and ridiculed by his peers. Over time his...
A grieving mother hires a filmmaker and a tracker to help document her search in the Florida wilderness, as she hunts a cult she believes murdered...
The Zand Order
A military unit escorts a scientist to an uncharted planet at the edge of the galaxy to investigate a newly discovered alien microorganism found by...
Another Plan from Outer Space: The Doomed
A turf war has been raging in Oldtown for generations. On one side, The Syndicate - an evil gang of crank-head misfits, who has been set on muscling...
Chuck Hank and the San Diego Twins
Two strangers struggle to overcome insurmountable odds when they are suddenly faced with unimaginable powers and an unbreakable connection.
The Connection