Based on a true story, "House On The Hill" is a true crime melodrama with strong horror elements, chronicling the outrageous 1980s murder spree of...
House on the Hill
Holed up in a seedy hotel, Hollywood screenwriter Don Malek is scripting a diabolical plan for revenge. But instead of writing about a bloodthirsty...
New Terminal Hotel
Short film collection bringing together the winners of the Blood Drive film contest hosted by Fangoria.
Fangoria: Blood Drive II
A young rookie cop and his team discover dismembered female bodies in L.A. similar to the Black Dahlia cold case from 1947. A serial killer seems to...
Black Dahlia
Teddy, a young writer, ventures to an isolated desert house to complete his first novel, where he meets and seduces the mysterious caretaker, Leo....
Sun Kissed
A Short Horror Film
Mr. Eryams