Actor Jeremy Irons embarks on an epic journey through the halls of the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain, two hundred years after its inauguration, along...
The Prado Museum: A Collection of Wonders
Documentary about the revolutionary flamenco-rock album "Omega", composed by maestro Enrique Morente and the Granada group Lagartija Nick in 1996. A...
Chavela Vargas and Federico García Lorca are the main characters of this story. Poetry and music are the places of their meetings. Chavela...
The Nightingale and the Night. Chavela Vargas sings Lorca.
In this anthology film, a female actor cheats on her formerly famous husband, a married couple go to extremes, and an antiquarian falls for a young...
Love Ravings
Inspired by an exclusive interview and performance footage of Chavela Vargas shot in 1991 and guided by her unique voice, the film weaves an...