Without question, this is an incredibly bizarre production. The revised storyline makes little sense, and there is a surprising amount of violence...
The Abduction from the Seraglio
This production of Hans Werner Henze's opera Upupa & Der Triumph der Sohnesliebe features Laura Aiken, John Mark Ainsley, and Alfred Muff in lead...
L'Upupa & Der Triumph der Sohnesliebe
Based on a true story, the "Dialogues des Carmelites" sets the life of the Carmelites nuns at the dawn of the French Revolution. “Robert...
Dialogues des Carmelites
In 1976, Jack Unterweger was convicted for the murder of Margaret Schaefer and sentenced to life in prison. While imprisoned, he committed himself to...
The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer
Since its premiere on 2 June 1937 in Zurich, Alban Berg's second opera "Lulu" has the reputation of being surrounded by scandals. On the one hand,...
Berg: Lulu