Raja, a car enthusiast and mechanic, chances upon a four-wheeled wonder that is nothing like the other ordinary vehicles. The car is a witness to...
Ek Gadi Baaki Anadi
Priest Kadam Baba finds Venu, an orphan girl at the footsteps of the Aai Tulza Bhavani temple. He raises her up and she considers him as her real...
Aai Tulja Bhawani
Pandu is an honest Hawaldar in Bombay police who loves to do his work with honesty whereas his co worker and his friend are totally the opposite of...
Pandu Hawaldar
Jaya and Suman, two college mates, once best of friends, are today's sworn enemies. Jaya is in love with Rajesh, who also uses to study in the same...
Shubhamangal Savadhan