A young, revolutionary couple aboard the last train leaving Budapest after the Russian invasion of 1956. Based on a novel by the Austrian writer...
Experimental short movie adaptation of István Örkény's one-minute story "Information" by director Annabella Schnabel.
The Triptych of the Keeper
Alex is trying to bring back his dead girlfriend, Linda, from the Other Side through an obscure castle, where people can visit their loved...
Shadowing Clouds
In the horror of 1944 Auschwitz, a prisoner forced to burn the corpses of his own people finds moral survival trying to save from the flames the body...
Son of Saul
When his family moves from their home in Berlin to a strange new house in Poland, young Bruno befriends Shmuel, a boy who lives on the other side of...
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Story about a lonely man who is searching for UFOs on the confines of the village, but instead of an encounter of the third kind, he encounters a...