An undercover police officer named Rock Keats befriends a drug dealer and car thief named Archie Moses in a bid to catch the villainous drug lord...
A tribute to the controversial black activist and leader of the struggle for black liberation. He hit bottom during his imprisonment in the '50s, he...
Malcolm X
Snoop stars as a grocery clerk named Cordé Christopher, a young and magnetic man, subject to keen female interest. He becomes a...
Boss'n Up
On the streets they call cash dead presidents. And that's just what a Vietnam veteran is after when he returns home from the war only to find himself...
Dead Presidents
A retired gangster is pulled back into the game when a close friend calls in one last favor, to take the blame for a murder his didn't commit.
Single mother Diana struggles to provide for her child and pay for her college education. When she meets two dancers from a nearby gentlemen's club,...
The Players Club