In 1957, insurance investigator George Lazarus is tasked with interviewing twelve employees of the Deadly Sin Cigarette Company when his firm...
Lazarus: Apocalypse
woman on a routine walk becomes the center of a spontaneous campaign which quickly turns malicious.
Power Walk
When Tom learns that he has terminal brain cancer, he decides to find a replacement husband for his wife and a father to his daughter, before it is...
Meet My Valentine
Ema shares with her two best friends the find in her fortune cookie - three fortunes in one and they all read the same - "your path to finding...
Just Our Luck
Steve is an upwardly mobile entrepreneur who believes he has come up with the next big thing - the next Rubik's Cube. "It's going to be bigger than...
Zombies 1985
Eric, the top investment manager at his firm, is assigned to help Julia, the stunning owner of a recently acquired company. He falls for her, and...
Another Time