This film tells the story of a few uneventful days in the life of six pals. Lali, a great fan of America, owns a sandwich stand on the side of the...
Glass Tiger
Mintha kéne
In the sequel to the surprise hit Üvegtigris (2001), we witness the 6 losers again as they run amok around the roadside buffet, which again...
Glass Tiger 2
Peter returned from prison in his native city, in the hope that it will begin happy days. With surprise he learns that his sister became a foster...
Pleasant Days
Kapa, Pepe and Mesi would like to buy a scrapyard of trains, to start a nostalgia train and earn a lot of money. The capital to start with they want...
Damn You! the Mosquitoes
Waiters’ competition at Heroes’ Square in the late thirties. Dressed as waiters, Kapa and Pepe awake in the bronze chariot of the...
Last Supper at the Arabian Gray Horse
On March 15, 1848, a young firebrand poet, Sándor Petöfi ignites the Hungarian Revolution with his passionate 'National Song', prompting...
Now or Never!
Szabolcs plays in a German football team, as does Bernard. They are roommates, best friends, inseparable. A lost match makes him reconsider his life...
Land of Storms
One crazy day... one toothpick... one shot...
Glass Tiger 3
When two CCTV technicians find out about an AI machine threatening their jobs, they must get out of their chairs to beat the system – leading...
Best Game Ever