Mila, an eleven-year-old girl, faces her last days of life before the end of the world. At the same time, she struggles to understand what this means...
A Bright Sun
Roc and Sara have arranged to meet through an app. Although they have previously discussed all they’ll be doing, they both feel nervous and...
Sour Candy
A bloodstain on a sheet triggers a great transformation in Tina, an eleven-year-old girl. As she spreads out the laundry with her mother, she will...
a little woman
After her mother's death, six-year-old Frida is sent to her uncle's family to live with them in the countryside. But Frida finds it hard to forget...
Summer 1993
Edu is dancing in a bar when Alex comes looking for him. He has some news that will have a profound effect on Edu.
If Then Else
A teenager remembers his most special summer. In his mind, everything s is even more perfect than what he felt at the time. Moments that passed...
all the days of summer are sad