The story of a boy named Bibble and an old musician Kasymkhan, their accidental acquaintance, which grew into a great friendship. The old man becomes...
The Little Prince of the Big City
A film version of the famous Mukhlisov gang case. In May 2001, an audacious robbery of a collection car of one of the commercial banks of Almaty took...
Seven Days in May
Kazakhstan. A group of Muslim fundamentalists escapes from Aktau city prison, who staged a terrorist attack on the set in front of a young actress...
You Were Promised to Me
A woman is led by her family to her new husband's home, to live with, presumably, his elderly mother and younger brother. Despite being forced into...
The story of Kasym Kaysenov, a Kazakh whom became a hero of the Soviet Union whilst fighting against the invading German army during World War Two .
Wind Man