The entire story unfolds in a remote village near Vizag called Bheemli. What begins as a soft romance between a poor lad Suri (Nani) and a young girl...
Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu
Chandamama Kathalu is an upcoming Telugu anthology film directed by Praveen Sattaru and produced by Chanakya Bhooneti.The film has eight sub-stories...
Chandamama Kathalu
Ranga Babu (Allari Naresh) is a driver whose childhood friend is Srinivas (Srinivas Avasarala). Srinivas is from a rich family and he lives in the...
Saradaga Kasepu
Story of the film is simple. It is about a man who falls in love with a woman. That woman buys time till the climax of the film to get the time...
Konchem Touchlo Vunte Cheputanu
Vasham explores the concept of science and ancient mystic knowledge, and dual nature of man - good and bad, through the lives of two people, Arvind...
Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya is a brilliant, underrated detective from Nellore who runs an agency called FBI which sees no business. He gets more than...
Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya