Mara, an ancient pagan spirit, hunts a group of teenagers taking their body parts to be reborn. A disillusioned and desperate investigator has to...
Whisper of the Witch
Little Elizabeth thought her future was predestined: she was to marry Louis XV and become the Queen of France – that was the promise given to...
The Empresses
Alexandra and Timofeya have a serious problem. A woman lies dead on the living room floor. When they discover that she is Eva and Sveta...
The Last Supper
Reflection on a relationship facing the distorted reality in the era of narcissism, disappearance of the real intimacy and fake news.
The Perfect Life of a Perfect Couple in a Perfect House: Season 42
When a neurotic private eye who struggles to finish the case takes a train voyage, his own dark secrets begin to reveal themselves.
The Lightest Darkness