Alicia is a rich young woman who loves to party, travel and is very close to her grandfather. The protagonist runs away from responsibilities and...
Proof of Love
Isabela is a 22-year-old woman who's been in a relationship for two years but sees herself in need of letting go.
Não Se Apega, Não
The life of legendary Brazilian musician Alfredo da Rocha Vianna Filho, better known as Pixinguinha.
Pixinguinha: Um Homem Carinhoso
When the progress of robotics makes Paralympic athletes the new sports stars, Maria dreams of competing against her sister. For that, she will have...
Valdomiro gets involved in yet another scheme, this time involving the same people that tricked him into losing everything - and he brings everyone...
Vai Que Cola: O Filme
In May 1993, Brazil experienced one of the worst economic crises in its history. The government then decides to set up a real task force to solve the...
Real: The Plan Behind History
André is a young doctor who, after spending a year working in Africa, discovers that he has been exchanging letters not with his long-time...
Suspension Points
Nelita, Nina and Rita are all in their seventies and have been friends since childhood, and for fifty years they play the lottery weekly and are used...
Amigas de Sorte