A gang of middle class teen kids stumbles upon a crime in their neighborhood. Remarkably one of the gang members is in a wheelchair, he is somewhat...
The Suburban Crocodiles
"The Malpractice" - On a Sunday, Dr. Dorlach was called to the clinic. Unexpectedly, Frau Bahlke, a mother of three, is in a coma. Any help comes too...
Der Kunstfehler
The trials and tribulations of love in a school community in the still young Federal Republic of Germany.
Ripening Youth
The passion of Christ, based on J. S. Bach's "Johannes-Passion". Its mix of music, speech, dancing and singing re-creates the style of antique Greek...
Es wäre gut, daß ein Mensch würde umbracht für das Volk
Wer einsam ist, der hat es gut weil keiner da, der Ihm was tut
Überfall in Glasgow
Radio Fever
Die Elefantenbraut
Tod eines Schaustellers