At the end of the Edo period, nine-year-old Katsugoro told his older sister that he was the reincarnation of Tozo, who had died in a neighboring...
Tetsuro Tamba’s Great Spiritual World 3: Amazing Reincarnation Story That Ran Around the Whole
When a priceless jewel owned by rich heiress Sabine is stolen, along with her daughter, Professional thief and hired killer Ryuichi Koga and his gang...
The Executioner II: Karate Inferno
A popular author becomes concerned when she learns of the unusual behavior of a man's eight-year-old daughter before her marriage to a used bookstore...
The Girl from the Darkness
After a series of arson attacks targeting red cars happens in the vicinity of Shiba Park, Shiho Kitami and Detective Hakamada of the MPD's First...
Visualization based on Tetsuro Tamba's best-selling "Great Reikai". A story about a physicist who dies in an accident and experiences the afterlife...
Tetsuro Tamba's Great Spirit World: What Happens When You Die