A dark and gritty psychological thriller that explores one small town man's need to purify the world of sin, one sinner at a time. His medieval and...
Grandpa's Psycho
A mischievous, swag-obsessed boy must overcome his inner Scrooge, or remain caught in a cycle where everyday is a Christmas without presents.
Christmas All Over Again
Newlywed couple Ted and Tami-Lynn want to have a baby, but in order to qualify to be a parent, Ted will have to prove he's a person in a court of law.
Ted 2
In a working-class town in 1984, a high school senior's future creates a tug-of-war between his no-nonsense father and his crackpot guidance...
Pitching Tents
A retired MMA world champion gets caught up in an underground fight club called the "Blood Circus" and must fight to survive and save his family.
Blood Circus
Eight friends went on a trip to a remote camping site located next to an eerie abandoned U.S military missile silo. As the night progressed and...
Site HA-48