In 1808, an imperial investigator arrives on an idyllic island to investigate a series of grisly murders. The locals believe that a ghost is...
Blood Rain
A group of unlikely heroes from across the Korean peninsula try to save the day after a volcano erupts on the mythical and majestic Baekdu Mountain.
Eun-soo and Eun-ha, a couple, left of the popular music production company to shout their individuality and form a Milky Way band with Dong-eun....
Jane is a dancer with outstanding talents but is always taken away of her spotlight. After failing an audition she had been anticipating and with a...
Jane's Summer
A priest (Park Hyukkwon) with financial difficulties has to find money for his mother-in-law’s surgery. Once a faithful believer, the priest is...
"Crazy Waiting" follows four different couples as they deal with the separation caused by the men serving their mandatory military duties.
Crazy Waiting