An act of violence resonates through the night, touching upon the lives of different characters, who otherwise would not necessarily exist in each...
After Dark
After being diagnosed with a health condition, an ambitious pharma salesman is forced to reexamine his life’s priorities, and embarks on a new...
Nirmal Anand Ki Puppy
A man gets stuck in an empty high rise without food, water or electricity.
Deepak Singh was an ex army person and owned a small garment shop in a Rajasthani village. When his life struck by a tragedy, he migrates to Mumbai,...
City Lights
A couple’s caustic, increasingly jarring interactions over a Mumbai evening strain their relationship until it threatens to break at its...
A family prepares for their patriach's birthday
Rogan Josh
In a city of a billion, everyday, a man and a woman meet each other. They turn their backs to the city as they go about their relationship. But this...
The Affair
In the post covid world, Manoj, a young, struggling actor, is trying to cope with his personal trauma. On a village trip with his theatre peers he...