This is the story of a family in waiting. Even amongst the despairing, often hopeless, lives they as a family lead, they find reasons to celebrate...
Three Braves is the story of three extraordinary children who rise from the most unlikeliest of places and save their town from the evils plague it....
3 Braves
The lives of a gullible maid; a beautiful socialite; an ambitious investment banker and a happy go lucky chauffeur are entwined together in Dubai, in...
Pinky Memsaab
Trapped in the web of ethnic strife in the brutal underbelly of Karachi, Gardaab is a tale of two lovers' journey, as they struggle to break away...
A group of friends are led by circumstances to find themselves at the crossroads of fate.
Chambaili : The Fragrance of Freedom
Fatima, a teacher living her elite life in Karachi, shattered, when her nanny Nusrat, inexplicably disappears. Fatima travels to investigate her...
Josh: Independence Through Unity