A young writer named Espen Arnakke tells the story of his escape from the small Danish town of Jante. Espen boards a ship headed to Newfoundland, but...
Misery Harbour
This award winning miniseries traces the difficult passage of young Mary Keane (Aoife McMahon) from servitude in Ireland to the squalor of...
Random Passage
The story of Ruby, 13, determined to grow up fast after her mother runs away to become a movie star, leaving Ruby with her hopelessly rural father.
Grown Up Movie Star
A logger defends his family from a group of dangerous drug runners.
A small fishing village must procure a local doctor to secure a lucrative business contract. When unlikely candidate and big city doctor Paul Lewis...
The Grand Seduction
An unusual request forces Delph the barber to come to terms with possible loss.
Down to the Wood
During World War II, the usually sleepy town of Gander, Newfoundland is abuzz with activity as the stopover point for many flights between North...
A short film by Jacqueline Hynes made through Nifco's First Time Filmmaker Program.
One of Us Cannot be Right