Undercover cop Jim Raynor (Jason Patric) is a seasoned veteran. His partner, Kristen Cates (Jennifer Jason Leigh), is lacking in experience, but he...
Two estranged siblings (Logan Ward and Madison Laird) reunite as adults to plot the murder of their antagonistic mother (Jody Ryan) in hopes of...
Let's Kill Mom
Rob is the loneliest of loners. He is so desperate to find love that he constructs an absurd (and quite cinematic) plot to meet and impress women: he...
Bad Romance
The story of best friends who set out on a dangerous, but comedic journey that challenges the restrictions of a Jim Crow South to fulfill their...
When their car breaks down at a small Texan town, two sisters must do everything in their power to survive a sadistic pagan cult.
Those Who Call
The rough-hewn boss of a lumber crew courts trouble when he steps in to protect the youngest member of his team from an abusive father.
After James Maniscalco - a ruthless, egomaniacal investment executive - decides he's going to start his own firm, he must get past a bunch of...
The Sauce
When a Texas millionaire marries his mistress, a bitter divorce battle, two deaths, an FBI sting operation, and criminal trials ensue.
Texas Justice