In the world, which is ordinary yet a little bit extraordinary, there is an underground organization called the "Kaito Association". Their members...
WE 12
Loi Bo Watch Company, Hong Kong's esteemed watch boutique, conceals a thrilling secret—it serves as the epicentre for stolen timepieces. Under...
The Moon Thieves
A former talent manager and single mother discovers a new star, reigniting her career. However, her devotion to the star ignites her teenage son's...
Mama's Affair
Marking their second anniversary, MIRROR held the live concert "ONE & ALL" at the KITEC Star Hall for six consecutive days in May 2021. Hong Kong's...
拉闊音樂會 風火雷電
Three interrelated stories about life in New York City: A lonely interpreter; two young hip-hop dance enthusiasts; and a couple struggling to cope...
My Heavenly City