Arman is about to turn 18. He was adopted as a baby by Jasna and Senad, who were unable to have children of their own. However, four years after the...
The Son
Set in Sarajevo in May 2021, the city's famous Old Town tries to recover after a difficult pandemic year. When a visitor from Zagreb comes looking...
Not So Friendly Neighborhood Affair
A girl roams through the city in order to retrieve her heart and take it to her boyfriend. But there is one problem: the heart has stopped beating.
What could be a beautiful fairy tale for some - boy meets girl - could also be the beginning of a horror film for Faruk. The young man is crushed...
The White Fortress
After finding out he owes money for college tuition, a small-time drug dealer and "perpetual student" decides to get his hands on a larger quantity...
The Witness