Contemplative and almost without dialogues, the film shows the routine of inhabitants in a city: a young woman who lives alone; an eldery that lives...
Silence and Sunset
A film by Tomonari Kamobayashi
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One day, maverick Naomi appears before inmate Yuri in a facility where mirrors are forbidden. The facility regulates the inmates' lives, but Naomi...
who are you... I travel... A wanderer... A stranger... A founder... A questioner... Like you... or... ?
On Yonaguni Island, the westernmost island of Japan, there is a language in danger of disappearing. How far can we take the language, culture and...
A writer from Kamakura named Hiraoka Eisei is researching supernatural stories but finds himself revisiting memories from a previous visit to his...
Randen: The Comings and Goings on a Kyoto Tram