Unemployed guests constantly pour into Jane's house, mistaking her for the previous tenant, a mystery man. Jane, though unemployed, lives her...
Kora and his brother Onan gather four men to go on a gaur hunt in order to make some quick money. Their journey progresses through their dreams,...
1956, Central Travancore
Sony is a kind man, a good Christian. He is always willing to lend his fellow villagers a helping hand, assist struggling children with their school...
Anand Gautaman, a vlogger, gives dating and lifestyle advice. But the dark times of today force him to address Death.
Anand Monalisa Waits for Death
Siddharth (Sidhu) has invented the key to happiness: a machine which generates dreams of joy. But someone is out to steal his invention. He runs for...
After facing failure in almost every venture, Mr. F and Mr. J, two friends from a small town in Kerala embark on an adventurous journey to a nearby...
Sarcas Circa 2020
Maayunnu, Maarivarayunnu, Nisvaasangalil... or "Dust Art Redrawn in Respiration" is about s documentary crew arriving to document the life of two...
Dust Art Redrawn in Respiration
On a hot summer day, a girl and her mother, who are united by not much more than a roof, are forced to sit by themselves and contemplate on what...