When a UFO crashes and releases radiation, the dead begin to rise in a cannibalistic frenzy. A group of soldiers and civilians make their way to a...
Zombie Self-Defense Force
Hearts burn with crimson flames, as blades thrash through the darkness! Rogue ninja Shinobu uses all the weapons at her command to terminate the...
Ninja Vixens: Crimson Blades
Exiled Lord Yukinaga is betrayed by a ninja clan he and his family mercilessly killed in cold blood. But when the Lord’s subordinate, a...
Ninja Vixens: Demonic Sacrifices
Iris (Atsuko Okamoto) is determined to slay the person who killed her father - but an old and immortal enemy traps her first! Nursed to health by a...
Bounty Hunter Vixens: Carnal Enchantment
In this arousing adventure of super ninja skill, Suzukane and Okan are two beautiful female warriors in training who must hunt down and rescue their...
Ninja Vixens: Web of Passion
3 sisters run a cafe by day, but at night work as professional thieves. The girls then learn that a yakuza group is trying to takeover the properties...
Sexy Cats: Kaitou Cosple Sanshimai