On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami...
Titanic II
A teen comedy about a boy named Herman, an innocent sheltered boy who has been home-schooled by his loving over protective mother all of his life....
Losers of the Year
A mysterious group has created a sadistic venture. Kidnapping young women, they auction the rights to hunt them to millionaires with a thirst for...
This action packed Hip-Hop drama explores the life of Oscar Hernandez, a handsome Latino ex-gang member who sets forth to land a recording contract...
Platinum Illusions
The Warwick family are unknowingly being filmed for a new reality show. Problem is, they're boring. So the producer must add conflict and drama to...
Shooting the Warwicks
Jill strives to connect with her new teenage stepdaughter, Casey, who is struggling with a dark past that leads her down a path of destruction.
My Stepdaughter
Set in the mid-80s, when a reporter is sent to cover the Challenger Space Shuttle launch only to become mixed up in the lives of some local students.
What Goes Up
With his 20th reunion looming, Dan can’t shake his high school insecurities. In a misguided mission to prove he’s changed, Dan rekindles...
The D Train
A professional poker player falls deep into underworld when he takes an unexpected wager from a mysterious high roller.
Gutshot Straight
At a college party gone horribly awry, Jenna is involved in a brutal rape, aggravated assault, and cameras set up to make a sex tape...
The Disappearance of Jenna Matheson