While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about...
Evening in Byzantium
A groupie, an escort, and a strip club dancer get thrown into danger by the illegal activities of the men they love.
The Working Girls
Timothy Donovan, a con-man, returns to San Francisco to see his wife and daughter. Realizing his family is under the control of his wife's...
Donovan's Kid
An action-packed love story on the Mexican border featuring oppression, revenge, reincarnation and rebirth.
Death Calls
As the California sun shines down from an Los Angeles sky, three unique individuals are about to collide in the most unexpected ways imaginable. Lyle...
New York's toughest lady detectives re-team to solve the murder of a homeless transient who had been terrorizing the residents of a posh apartment...
Cagney & Lacey: Together Again
Government agent Sol Madrid travels to Mexico with hooker Stacey to bring mobster Villanova and drug kingpin Dietrich to justice.
Sol Madrid