A suburban family struggles with the death of their 19 year-old son, following an overdose of heroin that was laced with fentanyl. The film explores...
Life After You
On the brink of losing her childhood home, Maddie discovers an intriguing job listing: wealthy helicopter parents looking for someone to...
No Hard Feelings
An alternate re-telling of biblical stories told as Jesus being a teenager, Bible mystery solvers, and other comedic religious figures.
A comic morality tale about two cocky young lesbians who bite off more than they can chew at a Texas roadside diner.
Don't Mess with Texas
Pennsylvania, 1956. Frank Sheeran, a war veteran of Irish origin who works as a truck driver, accidentally meets mobster Russell Bufalino. Once Frank...
The Irishman
A rideshare driver encounters four very different passengers in New York City
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