After the untimely death of his older siblings, a struggling young architect suddenly becomes a "single parent" for his nephews. When the opportunity...
A Brother and 7 Siblings
After bankruptcy, Abah and Emak must adapt to a new life with their children in a remote village.
Cemara's Family
Set in the post-pandemic period, the Cemara Family begins a new chapter in their lives. Abah gets a new job, Euis grows up to be a teenager, and Mom...
Cemara's Family 2
Yan (55) is an honest government official. His wife, Rachel (55) is a philosophy professor at a leading university. They have three children who are...
Before the Morning Repeated
Faced with financial difficulties, Sari agrees to be a blind date stand-in for Yasmin, her best friend—unaware that her date turns out to be...
A Business Proposal