A long con goes sideways leaving lonely drifter, Drake Ryan, in desperate need of money to satisfy past debts. He gains his opportunity at a sleepy...
After 4 less than medicore seasons on TV, a supernatural reality show called The Strange and Unusual is being canceled. With only one episode left to...
The Strange and Unusual
Inara is a young military woman whose world comes crashing down when her father passes away. Offered a mission to the remote island of N'iah in order...
Inara, the Jungle Girl
Southern Gothic, biblical tale, set in rural Tennessee. After being raped, Hank, a trans person, finds himself knocked up and alone. In spite of a...
Queer and Southern God
The True Story of Sargent Joseph Hoover went to war to preserve the Union. After being captured and sent to a prisoner of war camp, he understood...
Union Bound
Doctor Carter losts his wife and devotes his life to resurrecting her. However, every test of his C-900 formula creates hungry, flesh-eating zombies....
Bombshell Bloodbath
The true story about fireman and public servant Mark Taylor who heard a special message from God about change in our nation. When Mary Colbert, a...
The Trump Prophecy