This true story, which takes place in Fort Campbell, KY, tells the heart-wrenching story of the life and tragic death of soldier Barry Winchell. His...
Soldier's Girl
Follows the Clarke family as they live on a wild animal reserve where people and animals in need are part of every day.
Port Hope
Murderesses Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart find themselves on death row together and fight for the fame that will keep them from the gallows in 1920s...
In this lightweight Canadian romantic comedy, a couple in their thirties discovers that love in the '90s can be a messy and complicated proposition....
Jack & Jill
Physician Jerri Nielsen finds herself stranded at the Amundsen-South Pole Research Station along with a tiny staff of researchers and technicians....
Ice Bound
Once considered a teen prodigy, a recovering addict sobers up and tries to get her writing career back on track. She begins a relationship with a...
Ramona is a little girl with a very big imagination and a nose for mischief. Her playful antics keep everyone in her loving family on their toes,...
Ramona and Beezus