Set amongst the backdrop of the towering, concrete-clad estates of south London ‘Zebra Crossings’ blends a diverse mixture of characters...
Zebra Crossing
In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at lonely Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two...
The Little Stranger
Mandy is a mother, a writer, a nihilist. Mandy is a modern woman in a crisis. Raising a son in the midst of a female revolution, mining the pain of...
Rare Beasts
They meet in a bar, she takes him home. But she's up to something... Something crafty.
For Him
Interspersed with a commentary by a female narrator,who at times assumes their roles,the father,mother and daughter and son of a black,South London...
A couple, Donny and Marie, awake one morning to find a baby has appeared in their apartment. Unsure what to do, and bewildered by the intrusion, they...