A silent short film released as a prequel to the Malice Mizer’s third studio album merveilles, the film includes the music video of their...
MALICE MIZER: Bel Air ~Kuuhaku no Toki no Naka de~ de l'image
A home video release documenting Malice Mizer's last indie live before signing with Columbia, at Shibuya Kokaido on 4/1/1997.
MALICE MIZER: No Return Voyage "Final" ~one more time~
Recordings of two live performances by Malice Mizer edited into a complete concert experience of the visual kei band’s third studio album...
MALICE MIZER: merveilles ~Shuuen to Kisuu~ l'espace
A home video release of five Malice Mizer music videos from their third studio album "merveilles".
MALICE MIZER: merveilles ~cinq parallele~