The story follows a young girl who as a child is a victim of an extramarital relationship, unknowingly gets involved with a married man and her...
In a village plagued by black magic, a policeman sets off to seek justice for his brother's meaningless murder but discovers something unexpected.
Maa Oori Polimera
Set in a village named Rudravanam in 1990's, Surya along with his mother, visit there after a long time. Suddenly a series of mysterious deaths occur...
After a series of spine chilling killings in Jastipalli, Komaraih elopes to Kerala with his first love Kavitha. Things get more complicated when his...
Maa Oori Polimera 2
Upcoming Telugu Movie
Mix Up
Three friends united by their passion for science and their quest for discovery, in search of treasure hidden within the Sampangi Mahal, venture...
Om Bheem Bush