Masha leaves the forest in pursuit of an adventure in the city, where she encounters many unexpected situations and surprises while attending a...
Masha and the Bear: Twice the Fun
A chance meeting following a phone call changes the entire trajectory of two lives and infuses hope into the lives of thousands.
My Power of One
After learning to protect a truce among a community of animals, three young goats embark on an adventurous journey to keep a ceasefire intact...
The Gools
A troubled young child’s life is plagued by her extremely jealous best friend, Karen.
Still scarred by the trauma he endured as a child at the Overlook Hotel, Dan Torrance faces the ghosts of the past when he meets Abra, a courageous...
Doctor Sleep
The Woods family gathers at a cabin resort to hear the last will and testament of their wealthy patriarch George Woods ten years after his death. All...
Fortune Defies Death