Based on true events, five friends who fall prey to the evil entities of the Ouija board. As they set about filming their experimental session, what...
The Ouija Experiment
Six college friends in their late thirties reunite to support one of them going through a divorce. All of them are at crossroads in their lives and...
Incubus: New Beginnings
A fun filled weekend turns deadly when a group of unsuspecting theatre goers are trapped inside, after a ravenous spirit is resurrected and released...
The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death
Epic remake of a Native American film originally done 100 years ago about a Shoshone band who lived in a secluded valley in the 1860's, during the...
The Red Man's View
When Ph.D. students are faced with completing their 7-year-long degree program or staying one night in an infamous haunted house to graduate early,...
Death PhD
Groups of super powered people begin a war that will bring the city they live in crumbling down. Allegiances of super powered people fight for...
Allegiance of Powers
A bachelor party in the woods gets crashed by the ultimate party animal.
Cherokee Creek