The film’s protagonists Ieva and Apollon are former workers of a collective farm. Once they loved each other passionately. Yet it was in...
Dragon's Egg
An omnibus film consisting of ten parts, each directed by a different young director from the Latvian Academy of Culture. The unifying element of the...
Latavio, or Life Nr. 2
Ten years have passed since we made the film “Crossroad Street”, about a small street in the suburbs of the city of Riga. Now we’ve...
New Times at Crossroad Street
This is the 3rd film in almost 30 years about the daily lives of the people living in this small street of Pārdaugava. We first met them in the...
Capitalism at Crossroad Street
A tale about a nine-year old boy's relationship with the world around him, shot in one of Latvia's poorest and most beautiful regions - Latgale
Leaving by the way
The movie shows a young man's life dramatically changed after his friend is murdered. It is ironic - if to look with today's eyes - and nostalgia...
Investigation of Related Events
Ziemmassvetku Jampadracis tells the story of the Cirulisi, a tight-knit family down on their luck, and their trials and tribulations during the...
Christmas Huddle
An ecranisation of an Anšlavs Eglītis's novel of the same title is an ironic story about the Latvian art scene during the 30ies.