Explores the mobile meanings of language in film with the help of sophisticated telecommunications; an aural/oral offering.
Love, Jealousy and Revenge
Using diary excerpts, photographs and memories from companions, the film paints the portrait of the artist Jürgen Baldiga who sensitively and...
Baldiga: Unlocked Heart
What hast thou done? - The voice of my brother's blood is crying to you from the ground. - We are shown how God sows the seeds of discord and divides...
Kain und Abel - Ein Moritat
Photographer Jürgen Baldiga (1959-1993) and filmmaker Michael Brynntrup, - privat discourses and personal investigations of how to deal with...
Aide Mémoire
About which one cannot speak, one must make films. (loosely based on Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Tabu V (About Which One Cannot Speak)