Bright samurai movie innovatively adapted from a classic story. A traveling masterless samurai is asked by a daughter of an established samurai...
Eight Views of Samurai
Utaemon Ichikawa plays the role of Hikoshiro Navate, who has a strong sense of justice and opposes power and tyranny with his will and spirit.
Epic Crash
As a result of a superstitious belief that twins bring bad luck to the family, newborn twin princesses are separated. Yukihime, who was sent away to...
A Martial Crowd
A princess finds life behind the protection of her brother and the high walls of the mansion to be quite dull, so she takes on another identity and...
Secret of the Golden Coin
The Shinsengumi is a special unit of ronin commissioned by the Tokugawa shogunate to counter anti-shogunate activities in Kyoto. A sinister plot to...
The Shogun’s Guard, Shinsengumi
With the help of famous yakuza Jirocho, brave and quick tempered Eijiro takes revenge on the death of his close friend.
Fighting Disposition
Lion Crest