The film tells the story of Arnaldo, that to get rid of his miserable life, seeks of a clinic that promises to copy people. With a copy occupying his...
Alone Man
After meeting a beguiling woman in a movie theater, a realtor becomes embroiled in a mysterious plot involving murder, double identities and movies.
The Lady from the Shanghai Cinema
Mario decides to tell his family the truth about himself. But when he is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his older brother...
There's Something About Mario
Luccas e Gi em: Dinossauros
A problem of the past is rotting in the corner of the office, and the smell doesn't allow Dad to work in peace.
Dad's Rotting Corpse
At 80, Polidoro decides to demolish the stability of his comfortable life as a retired judge and become owner of a strip club.
Antes Que Eu Me Esqueça
An emotional dive into the music and life of Erasmo Carlos, from his years as a young rock-and-roller looking for gigs through his enduring musical...
Minha Fama de Mau
When Cunda, a man living deep in the Brazilian rainforest, is bitten by a snake, he has a hallucination of four chimpanzees. Once he recovers, he is...
The Fifth Monkey
Orestes, a rich factory owner, falls for the beautiful Fulvia. They communicate using pigeons, to avoid being discovered by her husband.
Fable of the Beautiful Pigeon-Fancier
In the darkness of a rural night, a gypsy clan gathers to mourn their beloved patriarch's in a ritual celebrated through music and dance.
Manoushe: A Gypsy Love Story
Rich and spoiled kid, frustrated for not being chosen to join the soccer lessons his idol Zico was going to give, asks his father to clone the...
Uma Aventura do Zico