A story about role models and idols, "Idola" tells the tale of Farah, a lawyer and the elder sister of Nana. Trouble brews when Nana starts to...
The film tells two young men in their quest to find the section wills inheritance of their father. They face many obstacles and challenges before met...
Si Jantung Hati
Basir owns a driving school. His wife, Seri Indah suspects he is cheating on her. Sally, Dato's Zaglol mistress takes driving lessons at Basir's...
Driving School
Badul pretending to be a rich man from Sarawak and later married Milah. After his marriage he uses trickery to deceive the rich by borrowing too much...
Si Badul
Kamarudin and Zaleha object to their son's relationship with Julia because of their age difference. Julia is much older than Harry is. When Harry...
Harry Boy
Iskandar Muhammad the son of a farmer who is ambitious to become a pilot. After graduation, he was recruited Air Force as a Lieutenant. While in...
Wira Angkasa
The evil Professor Klon is back… This time, not only to overthrow the Government and become the President of Metrofulus, but also to control...
Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam