Ángel and his brother Franco have been locked up in a juvenile detention centre for a year. Despite the hostility of the place, they form...
My Brothers Dream Awake
Ximena, a successful psychiatrist, receives an unexpected visit from her elder daughter, Tamara, after a long time without seeing her. Her stay at a...
Maybe It's True What They Say About Us
A long walk home sets the scene for young romance, a trip to the beach becomes an opportunity for quiet reflection and self-acceptance, a naïve...
Like the First Time
Since their parents split up, Sara and her younger sister live with their mother, whose new partner is a woman. Everyday life for the four of them is...
Two prisoners escape execution by the police and become successful circus clowns in Pinochet's Chile.
Before MSN, Facebook, and the Internet within reach of all, young people communicated in a simpler way: using pencil and paper. Year 1997: hundreds...
El carteo
By a dissociated Santiago de Chile the old figure of Bareta transits in search of Carranza, who was once his partner and now his enemy. Bareta, a man...
After their mother’s death, Fernanda (19) and Francisca (25), return to Antofagasta to sell the house where they grew up. There, Fernanda...