Once Upon a Time, one of the first animated films made in Spain, is a free adaptation of the story Cinderella by Charles Perrault. It was directed by...
Once Upon a Time
In the final days of the Spanish Civil War, a married couple of Republican refugees goes into hiding in a northern Spanish seaside town. While the...
Rostro al mar
En un rincón de España
La pecadora
Arcos de la Frontera, in the early nineteenth century, when Napoleon's troops invaded Spain. In house Alvareda they are preparing the wedding of the...
Luna de sangre
Unas páginas en negro
Upon arrival in Barcelona, Miguel is fired from his job as a sailor and the financial problems which he will face from that moment will gradually...
Hay un camino a la derecha
Misión en Buenos Aires
Two young and innocent altar boys leave in search of money to buy a new bell for the tower of the village church.
Sucedió en mi aldea
La legión del silencio