A renowned surgeon, abandoned by his wife and daughter, gets robbed and loses his memory. Wandering around the countryside, he becomes a village...
The Quack
A young man joins the revolutionary movement in 1905, aimed at Tsarist occupiers of Poland. The members of the secret organization conspire to take...
10 Condemned
Love or a Kingdom
Kropka nad i
Jerzy Szajnowicz-Ivanov, the son of a Polish mother and a Russian father, raised in Greece, reports to the Carpathian Brigade in the spring of 1941....
Agent #1
Set during the German occupation of Warsaw during WWII, this musical tells the story of several inhabitants of the same tenement house.
Forbidden Songs
A Polish drama from Zbigniew Gniazdowski about love and secret documents.
Mystery of an Old Family
Based on real events story of stealing methyl alcohol causing mass poisoning in town.
It Started Yesterday