In 1958, during the Cold War, two scientists, two worlds, and two ideologies faced a race for survival at the Vinca Scientific Institute near...
Guardians of the Formula
Running from police, a small time thief finds a refuge in an abandoned video store. Forced to spend night there he decide to watch three horror films.
Two eccentric brothers collect scrap material whose objects have access to the traumatic memories of their owners. These same memories are then used...
Scrap Material
A sci-fi sitcom.
Katarina and Igor are actors who are together both on and off the screen. Blinded by flashes and deafened by applause, they, although inseparable,...
The film follows the celebrated writer and Nobel prize winner Ivo Andrić during WWII, when diplomats and diplomatic staff from Yugoslav missions...
Spring on the Last Lake
Young couple wants to hit it big in rap music industy and trending lists by any necessary.
Pasha, a Serbian womanizer and entertainer, owns a luxurious hotel in Belgrade. He lives carelessly until one day he accidentally breaks a mafia...
Hotel Belgrade
Captain Stosic tries to make a comeback to his old love - flying.
Military Academy 5
The story takes place in the Belgrade mental hospital on Guberevac during the WWI, where notable Serbian writer Petar Kočić spends his last...
A Stowaway on the Ship of Fools