The drama "Spring in January" is a story about families who started hiding in underground chambers during the Nazi occupation of Belgrade. With the...
Spring in January
It follows detective Mirjana, who goes to eastern Serbia to investigate a girl's disappearance. Over the course of time, her police investigation...
An absurdist fable set in the numerous parallel realities of late-1990s Serbia. As a family disintegrates, Szabolcs Tolnai’s film effortlessly...
After sending their son to rehab from drug abuse, they find out that he has run away from the rehab center and that he has a dept to a local drug...
Strange Forest
The story about the founders of the famous "Yugoslav Basketball School" and the first gold medal at the Championships in Ljubljana in 1970, is based...
We Will Be the World Champions
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and...
The film follows three young characters of different social status, possessed by love for the wrong person. During the day and night, after a series...
Belgrade in 1993. The pent-up tension of uncertain times is released at a children’s birthday party. While the kids celebrate in the living...